Lake Geneva Ocktober Fest.

We are sorry that we won’t be attending the Fest due to the coordinators fear that we compete with a  retail stores who sell the same product,  when  we think about this , there must a lot of vendors who shouldn’t be attending because we are sure that the local retail shops will also be carrying some of these products.    The fact is we were accepted in the local farmers market two years ago and decided not to participate so we wouldn’t  hurt the local store who currently sell our product (River Vally Ranch, Piggly Wiggly Lake Geneva) and another vendor located downtown Lake Geneva.

Let us shed some light on Olive Oil there are over 700 different varieties around the world and that not all taste the same you have Greek, Spanish, Italian. Turkish, Tunisian, and so on just to name a few.

We feel that we have been singled out by someones lack of knowledge in this area.